Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

FTC Announces Two Actions on Right to Repair While Legislative Efforts Continue

| 3 min

Updates on advertising law, privacy law, and consumer protection trends, issues, and developments from Kelley Drye's Advertising and Marketing practice. FTC Announces Two Actions on Right to Repair While Legislative…

Update on Three Corners” Federal Privacy Bill (HR 8152)

| 10 min

For those not following every detail regarding the progress of the “three corners” federal privacy bill, here’s a summary of where things stand. In brief, on June 23, the House E&C Consumer Protection Subcommittee…

CPRA Update: California Privacy Protection Agency Votes to Begin Rulemaking Process

| 6 min

CPRA Update: California Privacy Protection Agency Votes to Begin Rulemaking Process On Wednesday, June 8, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Board voted 4-0 (with one member absent) to initiate the CPRA…

YouTube Faces Suit Over Automatic Renewal Practices

| 2 min

Last month, plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit against YouTube (and its parent company Google), alleging that the company violates Oregon laws by automatically renewing paid subscriptions to premium music,…

New Bipartisan Federal Privacy Bill – Breakthrough, Too Late, or Both?

| 17 min

On Friday June 3, a bipartisan group of leaders from key House and Senate committees released a new “discussion draft” bill to establish nationwide standards for consumer privacy. The proposal (the American Data…