Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

CARU and FTC Express Concerns about Advertising to Kids in the Metaverse

| 4 min

Earlier this year, CARU’s new Advertising Guidelines went into effect, including various updates that were designed to apply to digital advertising. This week, CARU issued a warning to put “advertisers, brands,…

NAD Decision Holds Lessons for Developing Test Protocols

| 5 min

If you want to advertise that your product performs better than a competitor’s product, you’re likely going to have to run tests to substantiate that claim. In some cases, there may be industry standard tests that…

FTC Addresses Supplier Due-Diligence for Made In USA Claims

| 3 min

As we’ve noted in other posts, an FTC rule prohibits companies from stating or implying that a product is made in the USA unless: (1) the final assembly or processing of the product occurs in the USA; (2) all…

When Monsters Cross a Line (Claim)

| 5 min

For centuries, monsters have been vilified in countless books and films. Although the bad reputation that monsters have earned is generally well-deserved – they do, after all, frequently hurt people, destroy things,…