Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Beverage Makers Served A Reminder By Kombucha False Advertising Case

| 5 min

Anyone who has strolled the supermarket alcohol aisle in recent months may fairly stand in awe of the proliferation of boozy and not-so-boozy drinks in pretty packages, with small cans and pastel colors making it…

An Arrow Has Found its Target”- Federal Appeals Court Deems CFPB Funding Method Unconstitutional...

| 4 min

In a decision with potentially far-reaching implications for the CFPB, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit yesterday ruled that the Bureau’s funding structure is…

The FTC’s Policy Statements, Reports, and Warning Letters- Why Are There So Many?

| 8 min

The FTC has long used policy statements, public workshops, reports, and warning letters to influence the marketplace and communicate its thinking about key issues and aspects of its mission. Examples from my tenure at…

50 Cents, a Euphemistic Eggplant, and the Right of Publicity

| 4 min

Celebrities generally don’t like when companies use their images or names without permission. For example, Jennifer Love Hewitt didn’t love when a company used her image to promote a vitamin spray, and Michael Jordan…

FDA and CDC Agree to Partner to Reduce Foodborne Illness in Retail and Foodservice Establishments

Kelley Drye
| 3 min

On October 4th, the FDA and CDC announced that the agencies have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, renewing their collaboration to reduce the occurrence of foodborne illness in retail and foodservice…