Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Courts and NAD Come to Different Conclusions on Package Disclosures

| 4 min

Federal courts and NAD are coming to different conclusions on whether disclosures on the back of packages can effectively qualify claims that appear on the fronts of the packages. Some courts – such as courts in the…

Court Finds that Sunshine Reveals Puffery

| 4 min

Two consumers walked into supermarkets on a mission to find ​“nutritious, healthy snacks” that ​“would not likely increase [their] risk of disease” and later walked out with Fruit Bowls in Gel, Fruit Bowls in Juice,…

10th Circuit Decision at Odds with FTC over American Made” Claims

| 4 min

I Dig Texas and Creager Services both sell construction equipment called skid steer attachments. I Dig Texas urged customers to buy its products instead of Creager Services’ products by appealing to their sense of…

AGs Protect Children from AI (and Chainsaws)

Last week in South Carolina, AGs, staff, and members of the community gathered for the AI and Preventing Child Exploitation Seminar, presented jointly by the Attorney General Alliance (AGA) and the National Association…

NAD Recommends More Prominent Disclosures on Influencer Posts

| 4 min

Crème Fatale is a drag artist who is famous for her baby-doll looks and pastel-colored skin. See the picture below. I tend to go for a more natural look myself, so I can’t imagine how long it takes to apply that makeup…