Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Two Firsts for FTC Civil Penalty Enforcement

| 5 min

On Friday, the FTC announced what would ordinarily be an unremarkable enforcement action against a company for unsubstantiated earnings claims. The FTC alleges that WealthPress, an investment advice company purporting…

FTC Proposes to Regulate Virtually Every Labor Relationship in the United States

| 12 min

Last week, the Federal Trade Commission revealed what it meant when it vowed to be more than an antitrust and consumer protection agency. It announced a proposal to regulate virtually every labor and service…

Using Domestically Sourced Recycled Content? Look Beyond the Recycling Process

| 4 min

We periodically stumble across older FTC investigations that have new relevance, and post about them as reminders. That happened recently as we get more questions about the use of recycled content and the desire to…

CFPB Tackles Fine Print in Consumer Financial Contracts

| 5 min

Downloading an app, buying a product or service, or otherwise interacting with a company frequently requires consumers to consent to multi-page contracts. In a new proposed rule, the CFPB would require nonbank…

Washington Attorney General Cracks Down on Fake Reviews

| 4 min

We have previously discussed the emphasis that the FTC has put on fake reviews throughout 2022, with proposed updates to the Endorsement Guides and a proposed rule to combat fake reviews in addition to enforcement…