Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Regulators Continue to Focus on Dark Patterns” in Negative Option Marketing

| 4 min

These days, consumers can obtain everything from newspapers to meal kits to credit monitoring services through subscriptions. The prevalence of these services, and the ease with which consumers can sign up, have gotten…

Texas AG Sues Google over Misleading Endorsements

| 2 min

When a company uses an influencer or other person to endorse the company’s products, it’s important that endorsement reflects the endorser’s honest opinions, beliefs, or experiences with the products. Of course, in…

FTC Proposed Ban Of Noncompetes- Practical Guidance For Employers

| 10 min

The Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC”) proposed rule banning the use of non-competes with employees and workers could regulate nearly every employer in the nation. If a final rule emerges from this proposal it could…

The FTC’s Proposal to Ban Noncompetes is on Shaky Legal Ground

| 11 min

By now, most of our readers have likely heard about the FTC’s proposed rule to ban noncompete clauses in employment contracts, including from Kelley Drye’s other posts on the topic discussing the sheer breadth of the…

New California Law Governing Commercial Co-Ventures Now (Partly) In Effect

| 3 min

Consumers increasingly want to feel good about their buying decisions and like-minded companies often look for ways to communicate how they align with consumers through “cause marketing” campaigns. One popular type of…