Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Influencer’s Long Lashes Could Raise Ad Law Issues

| 3 min

Mikayla Nogueira is a 24-year-old beauty influencer with over 14 million followers on TikTok. At last count, that’s more than the number of followers we have at Ad Law Access, so she must be doing something right. (Or…

FTC Challenges Half-Baked Made in USA” Claims

| 3 min

Instant Brands advertises that its Pyrex glass products are “Proudly Made in USA” and as “American as Apple Pie.” For many years, it appears that Instant Brands’ claims complied with the requirements set forth in FTC’s…

FCC Seeks Comments on Updates to CPNI Breach Reporting Rule

| 7 min

The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) is seeking comments on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to refresh its customer proprietary network information (“CPNI”) data breach reporting…

Regulators Continue to Focus on Dark Patterns” in Negative Option Marketing

| 4 min

These days, consumers can obtain everything from newspapers to meal kits to credit monitoring services through subscriptions. The prevalence of these services, and the ease with which consumers can sign up, have gotten…

Texas AG Sues Google over Misleading Endorsements

| 2 min

When a company uses an influencer or other person to endorse the company’s products, it’s important that endorsement reflects the endorser’s honest opinions, beliefs, or experiences with the products. Of course, in…