Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

NAD Finds Advertiser Can’t Support Aspirational Net Zero Claims

| 7 min

If you tell your friends about your new year’s resolutions, odds are that most of those friends won’t push you for too much detail on how you plan to achieve your goals. But if those friends work at NAD, you might…

ECOA and Beyond- Recent Updates and Developments in Discrimination Enforcement

| 9 min

On February 9, the FTC provided the CFPB with its annual summary of activities enforcing the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA). The release of this summary provides a great opportunity for a round-up and some updates…

Is the FTC a Regulator? It Sure Seems to be Moving in that Direction

| 14 min

For the 26+ years I served at the FTC, the agency always described itself as a “law enforcement agency,” not a “regulator.” That’s because the FTC spent most of its resources on enforcing the FTC Act and other laws…

FTC and State AGs Can Continue Joint Case Over Fake Reviews

| 7 min

Fake reviews continue to be a hot topic in consumer protection. In 2022, we reported that six states and the Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit against Roomster – a platform through which people can find rooms…

State AGs and Consumer Protection- What We Learned from….Tennessee

| 8 min

While seventeen new state attorneys general are now sworn in and getting settled into their offices across the country, consumer protection continues to be the top of their agenda. Enforcement continues to take shape…