Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

DNA Diagnostics Center Settles Data Breach with Ohio and Pennsylvania Attorneys General

| 9 min

On February 16, 2023, the Attorneys General of Ohio and Pennsylvania announced a settlement with Ohio-based DNA Diagnostics Center (“DDC”) for a 2021 data breach which involved 2.1 million residents nationwide,…

Iowa- A Sixth State Privacy Law?

| 5 min

If Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signs Senate File (SF) 262, the Hawkeye State will become the sixth state to adopt a comprehensive consumer privacy law. Iowa’s House and Senate have both passed Senate File 262…

NARB Recommends Better Distinction Between Current Achievements and Current Goals

| 3 min

Last year, we wrote about a challenge that NAD had initiated against various green claims made by the American Beverage Association (or “ABA”). NAD found that several of ABA’s claims – including claims that “our…

NAD Explores When Companies can be Responsible for Third-Party Reviews

| 2 min

If a third-party writes a good review of your product – or, even better, rates it as one of the best – can you link to that review? A new NAD decisions suggests that the answer may not be as easy as people think.

State Attorney General Civil Investigative Demands- Take Them Seriously

| 6 min

As we have discussed, most consumer protection laws give attorneys general broad authority to perform pre-litigation discovery through investigative subpoenas, often termed “civil investigative demands” (CIDs). Many…