Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Talking Trash at the FTC- Event Recap

| 8 min

This week, the FTC held its Talking Trash at the FTC workshop, a four-hour event intended to examine “recyclable” claims in ads. We’ve sifted through some of the trash and pulled out a few things worth noting.

With July 1st in view, Google updates CCPA contract terms

| 7 min

Google updated its privacy terms earlier this month, shifting away from offering many of its advertising services on a “service provider” basis. With the change, Google states that its Customer Match, Audience Partner…

H&M Wins Dismissal in Greenwashing Suit

| 4 min

Abraham Lizama purchased a turquoise sweater from H&M’s “Conscious Choice” collection, a line of clothing “created with a little extra consideration for the planet” which generally include “at least 50% of more…

Now and in 10- AG Consumer Protection Priorities and Challenges Today and Tomorrow

| 6 min

State AG executives and consumer protection staff gathered for the 2023 NAAG Consumer Protection Spring Conference. After a warm welcome to Florida by John Guard, Chief Deputy Attorney General in Florida, first on the…

Deja vu- The 5th Circuit Hears Yet Another Challenge to Constitutionality

| 5 min

In the past couple years, the Federal Trade Commission has gone 0 for 2 before the Supreme Court. In AMG, the Court found that Section 13(b) of the FTC Act does not provide the Commission with the authority to obtain…