Ad Law Access Podcast

Providing updates and analysis on advertising, marketing, and privacy / data security law.

Texas AG’s Broad Jurisdiction Results in Settlement with VW and Audi

| 4 min

Last month, the Texas Attorney General agreed to a settlement in principle with car manufacturers Audi and Volkswagen requiring them to pay a civil penalty of $85 million for alleged violations of the Texas Clean Air…

AGs and AI; Transparency is Key

| 7 min

As we have previously reported, State Attorneys General have joined other enforcers in addressing the latest AI technology. At the recent 2023 NAAG Consumer Protection Spring Conference, two separate panels discussed…

NAD Addresses Hyperlinked Disclosures

| 4 min

When a disclosure is necessary to prevent an ad from being misleading, the disclosure must be presented in a “clear and conspicuous” manner. Exactly what that means depends a lot on the context, but one question we get…

The FTC is Not the Only One Tracking Your Use of Health Information

| 9 min

The FTC has made news recently with its recent enforcement activity regarding companies’ alleged disclosures of consumer health data, as detailed in our recent post FTC to Advertisers: We’re tracking Your Use of Health…

Readout on House Privacy Hearing: Wide Attendance, Lots of Issues, Full Steam Ahead

| 12 min

On June 14, the House E&C Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce held a hearing to consider issues and concerns raised by the “three corners” privacy “discussion draft” released to the public June 3. As we…