FTC’s Draft Guidance on Cosmetics Registration an Listing- A Good Reminder of End-of-Year Deadlines

Kelley Drye

| 4 min

Earlier this month, in a step toward implementing the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA), FDA issued a draft guidance document titled Registration and Listing of Cosmetic Product Facilities and Products: Guidance for Industry.” For those who may be new to MoCRA, this legislation significantly overhauled FDA oversight of the cosmetics industry by requiring manufacturers, packers, and distributors, to comply with a range of new standards, including mandatory product and facility registration, creation of safety substantiation information, and adverse event reporting subject to a December 2023 deadline (per the one-year timeframe set per statute). Additional compliance measures, including issuance of good manufacturing practices regulations, updated fragrance allergen disclosures, and domestic contact labeling are expected in 2024 and thereafter.