USF Tracker

An in-depth discussion of developments and trends affecting the federal Universal Service Fund

USF Tracker - March 25, 2022

Recent News General (Including Non-USF Programs) March 17 marked the deadline to file reply comments in the  Report on the Future of the Universal Service Fund  proceeding.   On February 9, the FCC’s Wireline…

USF Tracker - January 31, 2022

A New Wave of Audits Is Coming Routine auditing has always been an integral part of USAC’s oversight of the Universal Service Programs.  However, our close watch of the USAC Board meetings (see our quarterly update…

USF Tracker - December 30, 2021

The Future of the Universal Service Fund (part 2) Last month, we discussed trends in funding for universal service programs, noting that recently Congress has appropriated some funds directly for USF-like purposes,…

USF Tracker - November 30, 2021

Commentary Are we seeing a once in a generation shift in our approach to Universal Service?  For years, the FCC has administered the USF, overseeing four programs designed to bring connectivity to rural areas, to…

USF Tracker - October 29, 2021

Recent News General (Including Non-USF Programs) On October 1, the WCB announced via Public Notice (DA 21-1237) the release of the annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet, FCC Form 499-A, and accompanying…