Ad Law News and Views

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Ad Law News and Views-October 5, 2016

Recent News Senate Commerce Committee Members Air Laundry List of Pressing Issues Including Privacy, Data Security, and FTC Enforcement FTC Bureau Director Highlights Continuing Health-Related Enforcement,…

Ad Law News and Views-September 21, 2016

Recent News Beyond “Clear and Conspicuous”: FTC Workshop Highlights Issues Related to Testing of Consumer Disclosures​ Casino Patron Out of Luck On Her New Jersey TCCWNA Claim​ Groups Urge FTC to Act on Influencer…

Ad Law News and Views-September 8, 2016

Recent News NAD Revisits Crowd-Sourced Substantiation Ninth Circuit Decision in AT&T “Throttling” Case May Reset Boundaries Between FTC and FCC Jurisdiction​ NAD Worries Consumers Will Jump To Wrong Conclusions…

Ad Law News and Views-August 24, 2016

Do you forward this newsletter every time to colleagues or contacts who may be interested in it? Click here to access our Publication Sign Up and select Advertising and Marketing, or feel free to respond to this email…

Ad Law News and Views-August 11, 2016

Do you forward this newsletter every time to colleagues or contacts who may be interested in it? Click here to access our Publication Sign Up and select Advertising and Marketing, or feel free to respond to this email…