Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

The U.S. Fights Back at the WTO on China's NME Status

Last week, the United States filed its first legal analysis of the China non-market economy issue in a dispute at the World Trade Organization brought by China against the European Union. As we have reported here and…

In Rare Move, Trump’s Commerce Secretary Self-Initiates Chinese Aluminum Trade Remedy Cases

The U.S. Department of Commerce self-initiated antidumping and countervailing investigations of common alloy aluminum sheet from China on November 28. An accompanying fact sheet estimates dumping margins on the subject…

Commerce Continues China’s Status as a Non-Market Economy

On October 26, 2017, the Department of Commerce announced the results of an investigation concluding that China is a non-market economy (“NME”) country for purposes of Commerce’s antidumping analysis. Commerce’s…

Commerce Announces Preliminary Determination in Antidumping Investigation of Aluminum Foil from China and Determines that China Continues to Be a Non-Market Economy

On Friday, October 27, 2017, the Department of Commerce announced its affirmative preliminary determination in the antidumping duty investigation on aluminum foil from China. The Department calculated preliminary…

Trump Announces Nomination of Two ITC Commissioners

On September 28, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of two Commissioners to the United States International Trade Commission. Dennis M. Devaney of Michigan for the remainder of a nine-year term, expiring…