Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

U.S. Implements Global Magnitsky Sanctions Targeting Corruption and Human Rights Abuses Worldwide

On December 20, 2017, the President issued Executive Order 13818 implementing new sanctions against human rights abusers and persons involved in corruption pursuant to the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability…

U.S., EU and Japan Unite Against Excess Capacity and Other Distortive Trade Practices

The U.S., EU and Japan issued a joint statement at the 11 th Ministerial of the World Trade Organization in Buenos Aires, pledging trilateral cooperation to combat a number of unfair market distorting and protectionist…

New Sanctions Placed on Trade with Cuba

On Thursday November 9th, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) published new regulations in the Federal Register executing June’s National Security Presidential Memorandum (“NSPM”) regarding U.S. sanctions…

Congress Presses-On for Temporary Tariff Relief on Non-U.S. Made Goods by Year's End

The House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on October 25th to discuss the new Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Process – overseen by the U.S. International Trade Commission with input from other federal…

Commerce Continues China’s Status as a Non-Market Economy

On October 26, 2017, the Department of Commerce announced the results of an investigation concluding that China is a non-market economy (“NME”) country for purposes of Commerce’s antidumping analysis. Commerce’s…