Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Final Deal Reached Without the United States

Earlier this week, the remaining 11 parties to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations announced the conclusion of negotiations and that an agreement will be signed on March 8, 2018. The parties to the…

House Passes Unanimous Duty Suspension Bill Loading Bases for Senate Grand Slam

The House of Representatives passed on January 16, 2018 a bill providing temporary duty relief on about 1,800 imported products that are not available or produced in the United States. The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act…

President Trump Announces Tariffs on Solar Panels and Washing Machines

Yesterday, President Trump announced his decisions on two high-profile trade cases brought under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974, which authorizes import restraints to protect domestic industries that are…

Trump Waives Secondary Sanctions on Iran, But Vows Not to do so Again Without Changes to the JCPOA

Last week the President begrudgingly extended waivers continuing to lift U.S. “secondary sanctions” on Iran. But the President also insisted that he will not issue further extensions without a renegotiation of certain…

Commerce Department Completes Section 232 Probe Into Steel Imports But Stays Mum on the Findings

Yesterday evening the Commerce Department sent to the White House its findings in the Section 232 national security investigation on steel imports. The much anticipated report was originally due to be issued last year,…