Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

“Phase One” Agreement Between the United States and China Reached

On Friday, October 11, 2019, President Trump announced that a “phase one” agreement had been reached with China. Most notably, the U.S. agreed to suspend its plan to increase tariffs from 25% to 30% on $250 billion in…

President Trump to Sanction Turkey with Steel Tariffs and Halt Trade Deal

On Monday, October 14, 2019, President Trump announced that the U.S. will increase steel tariffs to 50% as a sanction against Turkey’s military advance into Syria last week. The steel tariffs were originally imposed at…

U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement and U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement Finalized

On October 7, USTR Robert Lighthizer and Ambassador Shinsuke Sugiyama signed both the U.S.- Japan D igital T rade A greement and the U . S.-Japan Trade Agreement . President Trump praised the agreements, stating…

WEBINAR: How U.S. Companies Can Seek Savings Under New Miscellaneous Tariff Bill

Thursday, October 10, 201912:00 PM - 1:00 PM Many companies are looking for opportunities to reduce or eliminate duties on products they import. In 2015, Congress passed legislation codifying a duty reduction process,…

U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement – Limited Deal Reached With More To Come

On September 25, the United States and Japan reached an initial trade deal to lower certain tariff barriers between the two trading partners. This initial agreement improves market access for certain agricultural and…