Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

U.S. Government Bans TikTok and WeChat Downloads Beginning Sunday

Post Update: Over the weekend, the WeChat and TikTok bans were temporarily suspended. On Saturday, the Commerce Department delayed implementation of the TikTok ban until September 28, 2020 after it was announced that…

U.S. Adds 24 Chinese Construction and Communications Companies to the Entity List

Today the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) added 24 Chinese state-owned companies to the Entity List for their role in the construction of artificial islands in the South China Sea. The Entity List prohibits the…

Goodbye “Made in Hong Kong,” Hello “Made In China”

Updated August 24, 2020 : CBP has extended the transition period for compliance with this rule change by 45 days until November 9, 2020. See the CSMS notice here . Yesterday, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) issued…

President Issues Executive Orders Targeting TikTok and WeChat

Last Thursday, the President issued two executive orders (“E.O.s”) targeting social media applications TikTok (and its parent company, ByteDance) and WeChat (and its parent company, Tencent Holdings). The E.O.s direct…

U.S. Targets French Luxury and Beauty Imports in Response to Digital Tax – 25% Tariffs on $1.3 Billion in French Imports Proposed

On July 10, USTR published a notice of action in the Section 301 investigation of France’s digital services tax announcing the imposition of additional 25 percent duties on certain products from France covering an…