Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

China Lingers in the Background of USMCA

As we previously reported, the United States, Canada, and Mexico have reached agreement on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”) to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”), which has…

United States and Japan to Discuss Bilateral Trade Deal

In a joint statement issued yesterday, the United States and Japan announced that the two countries will begin discussions to enter into a bilateral trade deal. The announcement comes after President Trump and Prime…

United States and South Korea Sign Updated FTA

On Monday, President Trump and President Moon Jae-in of South Korea signed a revised U.S.-Korea (known as “KORUS”) free trade agreement on the sidelines of the United National General Assembly meeting this week in New…

BREXIT UPDATE: European Commission Warns Importers and Exporters of Goods with Possible UK Origin

On 4 June, the European Commission advised economic operators to prepare for the consequences of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union on their imports and exports. Following the UK’s withdrawal, UK inputs,…

Trump Reconsiders TPP Stance, May Have Renewed Interest in Multilateral Agreement

Ahead of talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe scheduled for this week, President Trump told a group of governors and lawmakers in a meeting on Thursday, April 12th that the United States was looking to rejoin…