Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

U.S. Expands Oil Equipment Export Controls on Russia

Yesterday, the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a final rule restricting the export of critical oil refining equipment to Russia and tightening license requirements for exports to the…

General Licenses & FAQs Clarify the Scope of Russian Central Bank Sanctions

Yesterday, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued guidance and general licenses clarifying the intended scope of the Directive 4 sanctions imposed on the Russian Central Bank, National Wealth Fund, and…

U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Oligarchs, Family Members, and Personal Assets

Today, the United States followed the European Union and United Kingdom in imposing sanctions on 19 Russian oligarchs and their family members and close associates. Alisher Usmanov, an oligarch with vast holdings, was…

U.S. Announces Additional Round of Russia & Belarus Trade Restrictions; Closes Airspace to Russia (UPDATED)

March 4, 2022 Update: This post was updated after BIS published new export controls on oil and gas equipment and Entity List sanctions on firms related to the Russian defense industry. Today, the United States…

European Union Imposes Export Controls, Sanctions, and Import Prohibitions on Belarus

Today, the European Union imposed sweeping export controls and sanctions on Belarus. The export restrictions follows a similar template to the recent ban imposed against Russia. Namely, the EU measure prohibits trade…