Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

USTR Issues Determinations in Digital Services Tax Investigations

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (UST) has issued determinations in the investigations of digital services taxes (DSTs) adopted or considered by India, Italy, and Turkey, finding that “each of the DSTs…

New Legal Action Provides Opportunity for Refunds on Products Impacted by China 301 Tariffs

Importers of vinyl flooring filed a case at the U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) on September 10, challenging the Administration’s application of tariffs on products from China on Lists 3 and 4 pursuant to…

U.S. Targets French Luxury and Beauty Imports in Response to Digital Tax – 25% Tariffs on $1.3 Billion in French Imports Proposed

On July 10, USTR published a notice of action in the Section 301 investigation of France’s digital services tax announcing the imposition of additional 25 percent duties on certain products from France covering an…

USTR Considers Removal of 301 Duties on COVID-19-Related Medical Care Products

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, USTR issued a Federal Register Notice requesting public comments on the possibility of removing the application of China Section 301 duties from medical care products, including…

What's In the "Phase One" Agreement with China and What Comes Next?

On January 15, 2019, President Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He signed the long-awaited “phase one” trade deal at the White House. The deal represents the first step towards a comprehensive agreement between the…