Trade and Manufacturing Monitor News and insight from our international trade practice group Sat, 29 Jun 2024 10:53:39 -0400 60 hourly 1 FinCEN Warns Of Russia Sanctions Evasion; Focus on Crypto Tue, 08 Mar 2022 18:42:42 -0500 On March 7, 2022, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued an alert advising financial institutions to be vigilant against attempts to evade recent U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia’s following that country’s invasion of Ukraine.

Sanctioned actors may try evade the reach of U.S. and allied sanctions measures by hiding behind non-sanctioned and third-country entities, FinCEN warns. They may obscure their identity by, for example, using shell companies to conduct wire transfers or transact with accounts to send or receive funds from a sanctioned institution, among other listed red flags. Further, with the proliferation of cryptocurrency, sanctioned actors may attempt to use convertible virtual currency (CVC) and anonymizing tools to protect their assets. By their very nature, virtual currencies may exist separate from any regulated financial system and the use of privacy coins and other measures can anonymize transaction participants in some cases. The FinCEN alert is the latest reminder that anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism, counter proliferation (AML/CFT/CP), and sanctions compliance obligations apply equally to cryptocurrency as they do to fiat currency.

In addition to more traditional red flags of potential sanctions evasion, FinCEN highlighted the following red flags of identify suspicious cryptocurrency activities:

  • Transactions initiated with IP addresses from non-trusted sources (i.e. VPNs), locations in Russia, Belarus, embargoed regions, or other FATF-identified jurisdictions with known AML/CFT/CP deficiencies.
  • Transactions connected with crypto wallets listed on OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN List).
  • Transactions with crypto exchangers or foreign-located money services business in high-risk jurisdictions with AML/CFT/CP deficiencies.
Financial institutions should also be aware of red flags suggestive of Russian ransomware campaigns. Relevant red flags include the initiation of a funds transfer involving a CVC mixing service or attempts to obfuscation the transaction, for example, receiving a CVC from an external wallet and then immediately initiating multiple, rapid trades among multiple CVCs with no apparent related purpose, followed by a transaction off the platform. FinCEN recommends that financial institutions review FinCEN and OFAC publications for additional guidance on detecting, preventing, and reporting suspicious activity related to crypto assets.

Should a transaction raise red flags of potential sanctions evasion, financial institutions are required to report the associated activity and should conduct appropriate due diligence in accordance with the Bank Secrecy Act, USA PATRIOT Act, and other authorities. FinCEN also encourages financial institutions to use the information sharing authorities under Section 314(b) of the USA PATRIOT Act.

Financial institutions should carefully review FinCEN’s alert and ensure that appropriate compliance controls are in place to detect, remediate, and report potential sanctions evasion.

OFAC Puts Virtual Currency Industry on Notice, Highlights Best Practices for Digital Commerce Wed, 27 Oct 2021 09:50:50 -0400 On October 15, 2021, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued an advisory providing sanctions compliance guidance for the virtual currency industry (Guidance). The Guidance follows a series of recent enforcement actions targeting the industry and the designation of a cryptocurrency exchange for facilitating ransomware payments. These developments highlight OFAC’s continued focus on this sector and virtual currency, which is seen as a potential tool to evade U.S. sanctions and diminish the efficacy of U.S. sanctions policy.

The Guidance provides additional insight into OFAC’s expectations with respect to identifying sanctioned parties online, which is helpful for any company that provides services to customers over the internet, even if not directly dealing with virtual currencies.

Level setting
As an initial matter, OFAC cautions that its rules apply to virtual currency transactions to the same extent that they apply to transactions involving fiat currencies. For example, U.S. persons remain subject to the prohibitions on dealing with sanctioned jurisdictions (Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, or Crimea) and sanctioned parties when they are conducting transactions denominated in virtual currencies or engaging in related services. And non-U.S. persons can similarly face penalties for violating U.S. sanctions if their conduct involves the United States, U.S. persons, or goods or services that originate from the United States.

As with fiat currency, OFAC’s Guidance confirms that participants in the virtual currency space must “block” virtual currency by denying all parties access to the asset and report the blocked property to OFAC within 10 business days. However, there is no requirement to convert the virtual currency into fiat currency or to hold the virtual currency in an interest-bearing account, unlike other blocked funds.

Best Practices for the Virtual Currency Industry
The Guidance strongly recommends that industry members adopt a risk-based approach to sanctions compliance based on OFAC’s “Framework for OFAC Compliance Commitments.” OFAC notes that traditional financial institutions and other companies with exposure to virtual currencies or related service providers should adopt appropriate controls to address sanctions risks. These include:

Management Commitment Many members of the fast-growing virtual currency industry may be slow to develop and implement sanctions compliance programs, which can risk exposure to sanctions violations. OFAC counsels early managerial commitment to the development and implementation of compliance programs. Building these processes in early can prevent costly violations later on.

Risk Assessment – The Guidance recommends that companies conduct routine risk assessments to identify potential sanctions issues before providing services or products to customers. The risk assessment should be tailored to what and where products or services are offered, account for customers, reflect the company’s supply chain, and also evaluate counterparty and partner risk, including whether those parties have adequate compliance procedures. The results of that assessment should feed into the development of an effective sanctions compliance policy. Outside advisors can help craft risk assessments that highlight key risks for virtual currency companies.

Internal Controls – The Guidance document contains a number of recommendations related to internal controls and processes that should be considered in designing a sanctions compliance program for virtual currencies and digital payments. As noted above, many of these recommendations apply to any company that provides digital services over the internet and reflect lessons learned from recent enforcement actions targeting online commerce. These tools include:

  • Geolocation and IP Address Blocking – As in several recent enforcement actions (including those involving Payoneer, BitGo, and Amazon), the Guidance makes clear that OFAC expects companies to consider IP address geolocation data to identify customers that may be in or ordinarily reside in sanctioned jurisdictions and to adopt blocking controls that deny access to IP addresses associated with sanctioned jurisdictions. OFAC notes that analytics tools can play an important role in identifying the likely location of customers by addressing IP address geolocation misattribution caused by the use of anonymization services like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Other information, such as an address from a customer or counterparty, an email address top-level domain (e.g., [email protected] or [email protected]), or transactional details, like an invoice, can also be relevant for a company’s sanctions controls, even if that information was initially obtained for a non-compliance purpose.
  • Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedures – Conducting due diligence at onboarding, during periodic reviews, and when processing transactions helps to reduce potential sanctions-related risks. For individuals, this means screening customers’ names, dates of birth, physical and email addresses, nationality, IP addresses associated with transactions and logins, bank information, and government-issued or other documentation against sanctions lists (like the SDN List) and for any “red flags.” For entities, this can also include type of business, ownership information, physical and email address, and where the entity does business. A keyword list of sanctioned jurisdiction cities and regions can also be an important part of a KYC screening.
  • Transaction Monitoring and Investigation – OFAC’s Guidance endorses the use of software to monitor and investigate transactions involving sanctioned individuals and entities or persons located in sanctioned jurisdictions based on identifying information associated with transaction data. As of 2018, OFAC began to include virtual currency addresses in the “ID #” field for persons listed on the SDN List. Companies should calibrate software to identify and block transactions associated with those virtual currency addresses, in addition to those otherwise associated with SDNs or persons located in sanctioned jurisdictions.
  • Implementing Remedial Measures – Should a virtual currency company identify an apparent sanctions violation, that company should take immediate and effective remedial actions, which OFAC may consider as a mitigating factor in a potential enforcement action.
  • Monitoring Transactions and Users for “Red Flags” – OFAC’s Guidance notes that there are several “red flags” that may indicate a transaction’s or user’s connection to sanctions, including providing inaccurate or incomplete KYC information at onboarding; attempting to access a virtual currency exchange from an IP address or VPN connected to a sanctioned jurisdiction; failing or refusing to provide updated KYC information or to provide requested additional transaction information; and, attempting to transact with a virtual currency address associated with a blocked person or a sanctioned jurisdiction.
Testing and Auditing – OFAC’s Guidance advises that companies operating in the virtual currency industry test and audit their sanctions compliance programs to ensure they are operating as intended, and highlights a few best practices, such as:
  • Ensuring sanctions and KYC screening tools effectively flag transactions and customers related to SDNs or sanctioned jurisdictions;
  • Confirming IP address software properly prevents sanctioned jurisdiction access; and
  • Reviewing procedures for investigating and, if applicable, blocking and reporting to OFAC flagged transactions identified through the screening process.
Training – The Guidance stresses the importance of conducting, on at least an annual basis, mandatory training that is informed by the profile of the company and tailored to the responsibilities and functions of all relevant employees. Especially in the virtual currency industry, sanctions training should take into account frequent developments and updates regarding both the governing sanctions programs and underlying technologies in the virtual currency space.
Final Considerations
The publication of the Guidance underscores the growing importance of implementing effective sanctions compliance programs tailored to the risks presented by virtual currencies given increased OFAC and U.S. government focus on the sector. The Guidance is another signal that OFAC will be ramping up enforcement efforts to address illicit activities in which cryptocurrencies and digital payment services play a large role.

Trump makes it official: Venezuelan digital currency is subject to sanctions Mon, 19 Mar 2018 15:34:24 -0400 The President signed a new Executive Order today making it unlawful to engage in transactions involving digital currency issued by the Venezuelan government. The Executive Order makes official prior guidance from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which stated that dealings related to Venezuelan digital currency would likely be prohibited under existing sanctions.

Last year Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared that Venezuela would issue a digital currency to help the Venezuelan government and Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PdVSA), the state-owned oil company, avoid U.S. sanctions. New guidance released by OFAC today confirms that the Venezuelan “petro” and “petro gold” currencies are subject to the new restrictions.

Sale of Cartier Jewels Triggers OFAC Violations - Luxury Brands Should Be Aware of U.S. Sanctions Risks Wed, 27 Sep 2017 21:00:07 -0400 A settlement agreement between Richemont North America, the parent company of Cartier, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for violations of U.S. sanctions regulations is an important wake up call for U.S. and global retailers, which have often considered themselves to be somewhat outside the scope of U.S. sanctions laws. In truth, the rules apply to all companies and have the greatest application to those that export goods or conduct other international business.

According to OFAC, two Cartier boutiques in the United States sold jewelry to a customer who directed Cartier to ship the items to an address in Hong Kong. It turns out that the jewelry was destined to a blacklisted Specially Designated National (SDN) that was listed pursuant to OFAC’s narcotics trafficking sanctions regulations. OFAC pointed out that the name of the entity receiving the goods and the ship to address were exact matches to the entry on OFAC’s SDN List. If the company had checked the SDN List, it would have quickly determined that the transaction was impermissible under U.S. sanctions laws.

OFAC used the case to specifically call on retailers who ship goods overseas to adopt sanctions compliance programs. Luxury brands like Cartier may be at particular risk for sanctions violations —OFAC pointed out that an aggravating factor in the case was that Richemont operates in an industry (the luxury goods market) that has a high risk of illicit money laundering activity.

Contact our export and sanctions team if you have questions about your company’s sanctions risk profile.

US Govt Seeks $1.9 Million In North Korea Sanctions and Money Laundering Case Thu, 06 Jul 2017 11:57:58 -0400 A recent suit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for the forfeiture of nearly $2 million highlights the broad extraterritorial reach of U.S. sanctions laws. On June 14, DOJ filed a complaint to seize funds associated with transactions between several Chinese companies, including Mingzheng International Trading Limited (Mingzheng). Mingzheng and the other companies had been set up as a front and were conducting transactions in U.S. dollars on behalf of North Korea’s Foreign Trade Bank (FTB), a blacklisted Specially Designated National (SDN). The case has two noteworthy lessons, with the latter lesson hopefully more relevant to your company:

Lesson One: Don’t launder money for North Korean SDNs engaged in proliferation schemes. If you want to know more about how North Korea attempts to launder funds, check out this detailed and fascinating report on the topic.

Lesson Two: If you conduct a transaction in U.S. dollars, even if all other aspects of the transaction occur outside of the United States, the U.S. government will likely claim jurisdiction over the transaction.

In the Mingzheng case, the U.S. government asserted jurisdiction because the Chinese companies used U.S. dollars, which triggered indirect dollar clearing transactions in the United States:

Although North Korean financial facilitators engage in U.S. dollar transactions overseas, funds are still cleared through a U.S. correspondent bank account, thereby triggering the U.S. economic sanctions. . . These U.S. dollar payments, which cleared through U.S. correspondent banking accounts, violated U.S. law, because Mingzheng was surreptitiously making them on behalf of FTB, whose designation [as an SDN] precluded such transactions.

In other words, the U.S. government is claiming that the Chinese companies caused U.S. banks to conduct dollar clearing transactions for the ultimate benefit of a blacklisted SDN, an activity that is prohibited under U.S. law. Most international trade transactions denominated in U.S. dollars will generate this type of activity in the United States, potentially triggering U.S. jurisdiction over the underlying transactions.

Conducting transactions denominated in U.S. dollars is only one way that non-U.S. companies can become subject to U.S. sanctions laws. Non-U.S. companies can also get in trouble if they conduct a transaction with an SDN or embargoed territory (currently the Crimea region of Ukraine, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria) that involves U.S. companies, products, or persons. The classic example here is of a non-U.S. company ordering products from the United States in order to resell them to an SDN or embargoed territory. A similar and common issue arises when a non-U.S. company has employees who are U.S. citizens. Such employees must be fully recused from any business related to SDNs or embargoed territories. ‘Secondary’ sanctions are another way that non-U.S. companies can become subject to U.S. sanctions, but that’s a complex story for another blog post.

The takeaway: If you conduct a transaction that is or may become subject to U.S. law, you need to ensure that all aspects of the transaction complies with U.S. sanctions rules. A basic and important due diligence step is to screen all such transactions against the U.S. SDN List and identify any transactions that might involve sanctioned countries or territories.
