Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

Siemens Cracks Down on Russian Sanctions Evasion

Siemens, a German corporation, has announced that it will no longer deliver power plant equipment to state-controlled firms in Russia after it claimed to discover that Siemens’ Russian customer, Technopromexport, had…

Congress Weighs-In on New MTB Process In Advance of Final ITC Report

Congressional trade committee leaders submitted comments for the ITC to consider in its final Miscellaneous Tariff Bill report due for release in August. House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady and Raking Member…

Combating Evasion of Duties Front and Center

Last year, President Obama signed into law the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (“TFTEA”). Section 421 of the TFTEA (commonly called the Enforce and Protect Act, or EAPA), establishes procedures for…

EU Considering Retaliatory Measures on U.S. Exports of Whiskey, Juice, and Dairy Products Over Steel

The European Union is threatening to impose retaliatory measures on several key export products, including whiskey, orange juice, and dairy products, if President Trump follows through with plans to limit steel imports…

First Look Into Trump Administration's NAFTA Strategy

USTR Releases NAFTA Negotiating Objectives One Month Ahead of Anticipated Start to Renegotiations In a next step toward renegotiating NAFTA, USTR has released a summary of the administration's negotiating objectives.…