Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

Commerce Announces Preliminary Subsidy Margins on Certain Tool Chests and Cabinets from China

On September 12th, the Commerce Department announced preliminary subsidy rates in its countervailing duty (“CVD”) investigation of certain tool chests and cabinets from China. The rates calculated for the two examined…

Time to Review Your Encryption Classifications - BIS Updates Primary Purpose Exemption

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) recently published changes to its encryption regulations in an effort to simplify the text and focus the scope of controls. The biggest change is that Note 4, the “primary…

KORUS Withdrawal Threat Opposed by Congress, Private Sector

Dissatisfied with the inability of high-level talks in August between U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and South Korean Trade Minister Kim Hyung-chong to set a clear path forward on renegotiating the 2011…

Post-9/11 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Safety and Security

Post 9/11 U.S. Customs initiated numerous anti-terrorism measures in response to the new need to secure imported cargo and the ports. In fact, the agency’s name changed from the U.S. Customs Service under the Treasury…

Trump Administration Threatens Unilateral Sanctions Against North Korea's Trading Partners

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin announced Wednesday that the Trump Administration was considering sanctioning any country that continues trade with North Korea if the United Nations does not approve additional sanctions…