Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

Importers Beware: U.S. Customs Targets Imports Made in China by North Korean Workers

The AP recently reported that North Koreans are working in China as forced labor and their products are being imported into the U.S. The AP followed the production of seafood from Chinese facilities to U.S. retailers,…

Trump Announces Nomination of Two ITC Commissioners

On September 28, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of two Commissioners to the United States International Trade Commission. Dennis M. Devaney of Michigan for the remainder of a nine-year term, expiring…

The Paper Caper: U.S. Persons Cannot Help Foreign Subsidiaries or Affiliates with Sanctioned Country Transactions

A recent settlement agreement between the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) and BD White Birch Investment LLC, a U.S.-based paper company, is an important reminder that U.S. companies cannot assist their foreign…

U.S. Embargo on Sudan Permanently Lifted, But Some Restrictions Remain

Today the State Department announced that the U.S. would permanently lift the embargo on Sudan effective October 12, 2017. The decision comes 10 months after President Obama lifted the embargo on an interim basis…

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: What European Companies Need to Know About U.S. Sanctions, Export Controls, and FCPA Compliance

Join us in Brussels on November 9th, for this 2 hour seminar on what European companies need to know about U.S. sanctions, export controls, and anti-bribery compliance, co-hosted with the American Chamber of Commerce…