Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

U.S. Implements Global Magnitsky Sanctions Targeting Corruption and Human Rights Abuses Worldwide

On December 20, 2017, the President issued Executive Order 13818 implementing new sanctions against human rights abusers and persons involved in corruption pursuant to the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability…

China to Encourage Even More Steel Exports

Late last week, the Government of China announced that it would be removing export taxes on many steel products, including wire, rods, bars, billets, and stainless steel plate, as of January 1, 2018. The move is part…

Distributor danger: OFAC case highlights sanctions liability for bad acts by distributors and foreign subsidiaries

Many companies supply goods and services through third party distributors. When well-structured, the use of distributors can shift some of the cost and compliance risk of selling products outside of your home…

U.S., EU and Japan Unite Against Excess Capacity and Other Distortive Trade Practices

The U.S., EU and Japan issued a joint statement at the 11 th Ministerial of the World Trade Organization in Buenos Aires, pledging trilateral cooperation to combat a number of unfair market distorting and protectionist…

Export Compliance Obligations for Transactions between U.S. Companies and India to be Reduced

In the near future, trade between the U.S. and India will likely be simplified. Late last week, the Wassenaar Arrangement admitted India as a member (India’s membership will be formalized shortly), and the Australia…