Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

U.S. to Raise “Misleading” Food Labeling Rules in NAFTA Discussions

The New York Times reported on March 20 that the United States was seeking to table a proposal in the NAFTA negotiations to limit the placement of consumer warnings on food packaging with respect to foods that are high…

Trump Announces 25% Tariffs on Chinese Goods

As an update to an earlier blog post the Trump administration is using Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 to impose additional tariffs, up to $50 billion per year, on certain products manufactured in China and…

Potential Tariffs on Apparel, Footwear, Electronics, and Home Goods from China

The Trump Administration is planning on dusting off another infrequently used provision of the trade laws, Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, to impose additional tariffs on apparel, footwear, electronics, and home…

Sanctions Penalties Tick Up Again

Penalties for violations of sanctions rules administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) ticked up again yesterday. Most violations of OFAC’s rules now face statutory penalties of $295,141 or twice the…

Trump makes it official: Venezuelan digital currency is subject to sanctions

The President signed a new Executive Order today making it unlawful to engage in transactions involving digital currency issued by the Venezuelan government. The Executive Order makes official prior guidance from the…