Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

European Commission Pushes Ahead with Preliminary EU-U.S. Trade Talks

European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström was in Washington, D.C. last week for exploratory trade talks with U.S. officials. Although Malmström does not yet have a mandate to move ahead on EU-U.S. trade…

Duty Preferences for India and Turkey to Be Revoked

On Monday, March 4 th, President Trump announced that India and Turkey will no longer benefit from the United States’ Generalized System of Preferences (“GSP”) program. The GSP program, established by the Trade Act of…

Third Wave of Section 301 Tariff Increases Officially Delayed

On March 5, 2019, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”) published a notice in the Federal Register officially postponing the date on which the rate of Section 301 duties on $200 billion of…

Trump Issues 2019 Trade Agenda: China, USMCA, WTO Reform, and More

The Trump Administration has issued its 2019 trade policy agenda in a several hundred page report to the Congress. The report covers a broad range of trade topics, many of which have been at the forefront of the…

Ambassador Lighthizer Offers Insights Into Negotiations With China on 301 Tariffs

Following President Trump’s announcement of his decision to delay the March 1, 2019 deadline to increase tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200 billion of Chinese goods (i.e., List 3 items), Ambassador Lighthizer testified…