Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

The (Democratic) Trade Debate

If you watched the first Democratic Presidential candidates debate for a discussion of the candidates’ positions on trade, you are likely to be disappointed. The differences among the Democratic candidates and between…

Bespoke UK-EU Customs Union: Still a Viable Option?

Results of the European elections held in the UK on 23 May resulted in a significant defeat for the ruling Conservative party and a win for the Brexit Party, a single issue political group seeking for the UK to…

U.S. Agrees to Lift Section 232 Duties on Steel and Aluminum from Canada and Mexico

On Friday, May 17 th, the Trump Administration announced that it has reached a deal with Canada and Mexico to eliminate national security-focused Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum (at 25 percent and 10…

Trump Administration Confirms National Security Threat, Delays Auto Tariffs for Six Months

On Friday, May 17, President Donald J. Trump issued a proclamation directing the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to negotiate trade agreements to address the national security threat posed by imports of…

Trump Administration Readies Tariffs on Remaining Imports from China

On May 13, the Trump administration announced plans to begin the process of placing an additional ad valorem duty of up to 25 percent on a fourth tranche of Chinese imports, valued at approximately $300 billion.…