Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

EU-U.S. Trade: Is a Deal Doable?

The ongoing WTO aircraft subsidy disputes, resulting in both EU and U.S. retaliatory tariff announcements, and the failing EU-U.S. trade agreement negotiations certainly have strained trade relations. Nevertheless,…

On Made in America Day, Trump Continues Buy America Push

On Monday, July 15, President Donald J. Trump signed his latest Executive Order aimed at maximizing the use of American-made goods, products, and materials in federal procurement. Executive Order 13881 directs the…

Challenges ahead for European Commission in pushing through EU-Mercosur trade deal

On 28 June 2019, the European Union and the South American customs union Mercosur (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay) struck a sweeping trade agreement covering almost 100 billion dollars’ worth of bilateral…

US Considering New Tariffs on EU Imports, Estimated Trade Value of $4 Billion - USTR Seeking Comment

Last April, the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”) initiated an investigation to enforce U.S. rights stemming from a World Trade Organization (“WTO”) ruling concerning the European Union’s (“EU”) provision of…

USTR Begins Section 301 “List 3” Exclusion Process

Last June, pursuant to Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, President Trump announced the imposition of a tariff of 25 percent on certain imported goods from China (valued at $34 billion) in response to China’s unfair…