Trade and Manufacturing Monitor

News and insight from our international trade practice group

China and Hong Kong Developments: Sanctions, Export Controls, and Supply Chain Risks

Over the last month, the United States has taken a variety of steps to increase pressure on China in response to the imposition of China’s National Security Law in Hong Kong and alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang.…

U.S. Warns that Nord Stream 2 and second line of TurkStream are now in scope for U.S. secondary sanctions

Today the U.S. State Department published updated guidance indicating that significant transactions related to Nord Stream 2 and the second line of TukStream may be subject to U.S. secondary sanctions penalties under…

U.S. Targets French Luxury and Beauty Imports in Response to Digital Tax – 25% Tariffs on $1.3 Billion in French Imports Proposed

On July 10, USTR published a notice of action in the Section 301 investigation of France’s digital services tax announcing the imposition of additional 25 percent duties on certain products from France covering an…

Amazon’s settlement with OFAC puts e-commerce companies on notice

Today the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced a settlement agreement with Amazon for apparent violations of U.S. sanctions regulations by the company. The announcement puts e-commerce and online companies…

A First Step: BIS Eliminates Certain Hong Kong Export License Exceptions

Today the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced that it is suspending license exceptions for exports, re-exports, or transfers to or within Hong Kong that provide differential treatment than license…