Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

The Fourth Bite at the Apple Uncovers a “Worm” for Duane Reade

Just last week, we offered a web training to our clients highlighting the continuing challenges faced by employers as they strive to comply with state and federal wage and hour laws. A June 9th decision by New York…

Are Higher Wages Coming To A City or County Near You? The Minimum Wage Legislation Trend As Told By California

From city to county to state, in the past three years, Californians have witnessed extensive propagation of minimum wage legislation at the local level. After staying silent for several years, the upper echelons of…

Deep Impact: New Overtime Rules Will Change Work, Not Overtime Pay

I'm going to say it: wage and hour laws can be a little boring. The vagaries of how to determine a fluctuating workweek, or the DOL's hyper-specific rules about how much an employer can subdivide time for purposes of…

Supreme Court Refuses to Review $188M Class Action Verdict Against Wal-Mart Based Upon “Trial by Formula”

Wal-Mart may have felt the first aftershock of the Supreme Court’s March 2016 opinion in Tyson Foods, Inc. v. Bouaphakeo, which undercut overbroad interpretations of its landmark 2011 Wal-Mart v. Dukes decision and…

Supreme Court Limits Wal-Mart, Approves Representative Proof in Employee Class Actions

In a highly anticipated decision, the Supreme Court last week affirmed a $5.8 million judgment against Tyson Foods and held that damages in a class action can be established by “statistical sampling” – a phrase that…