Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

Your Employee is Leaving…. How Do You Safeguard Your Company’s IP?

It is a fact: employees leave. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average worker currently holds ten different jobs before age forty. [1] Because employee transitions are inevitable, businesses must…

It’s Not All “High” in the Rockies – Colorado Supreme Court Finds That Employees Can Be Fired For Use of Medical Marijuana

As more states legalize medical marijuana and consider legalization of “recreational” marijuana, many employers have wrestled with the question of whether they can still maintain a drug free workplace or must allow…

New York Rejects Florida Non-Competition Law As Against Public Policy

In a blow to New York employers who wish to enforce restrictive covenants under other state law, the New York Court of Appeals recently held that the Florida choice of law provision in an employment agreement was…

Clawback Provisions As An Alternative to Traditional Restrictive Covenants

Employers are increasingly using clawback provisions in their employment agreements in lieu of traditional restrictive covenant breach provisions to encourage employees to abide by their restrictive covenant…

Kelley Drye to Host Seminar on Employee Privacy and Data Protection Issues in the Connected Workplace

On June 2, 2015, Kelley Drye will be hosting an afternoon seminar at its New York offices on the challenges employers face when balancing data security with employee privacy rights. The seminar will be presented by…