Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

CPNI Season Kicks Off With FCC Enforcement Advisory

Compliance with a carrier's CPNI certification obligations has provided steady fodder for this blog, with the annual Omnibus CPNI fines, unusual settlements and consistent enforcement focus from the FCC's enforcement…

FCC Eases CPNI Compliance for Prepaid Calling Card Providers

Back in 2007, in response to the pretexting controversy, the FCC strengthened its CPNI rules to require telecommunications carriers to authenticate a subscriber’s identity before providing call detail information.…

California AG Kamala Harris Releases Privacy Guidelines for Mobile Apps

Jameson Dempsey co-authored this blog post. Hot on the heels of its recent lawsuit against Delta Airlines for alleged violations of the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”), today the California…

Court Rules for ISP in Deep Packet Inspection Lawsuit

Barbara Miller co-authored this post. A few years back, the use of deep packet inspection software – software that examines individual data packets in a broadband transmission – to deliver targeted advertising was a…

FCC Seeks Comment on Privacy and Security of Information Stored on Mobile Phones and Other Devices

Days before tomorrow’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Workshop on Mobile Disclosures, the FCC weighed in with a pair of releases on privacy and security issues raised by mobile devices. In the first item released on…