Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

Payless Pays More in Connecticut FLSA Settlement with Store Managers Seeking Overtime Wages

Following on the increase in wage class actions, this week brings us a hefty settlement for shoe retailer, Payless Shoesource Inc. Last March, former Payless store managers filed suit in Connecticut federal court,…

The Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies Causation in a Claim for Retaliatory Discharge

The Illinois Supreme Court recently clarified the element of causation in its ruling in Michael v. Precision Alliance Group, LLC, 21 N.E.3d 1183 (Ill. 2014). In Michael, employees who reported about certain practices…

Questions About Scope of Local Authority May Come to Fore Given Expanded Opportunities for Unlicensed Deployments

Mike Dover contributed to this blog post. The Federal Communications Commission continues to pave additional avenues for building out wireless broadband networks and installing other high speed links, but questions…

FTC Announces Settlements on "No VOC" Claims

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced settlements with three mattress manufacturers last week that prohibit the manufacturers from making claims that their products are free from volatile organic compounds…

Supreme Court Confirms the FCC's Ability to Interpret the Scope of its Own Authority and Allows the Antenna Siting Application "Shot Clock" To Remain in Effect

In a much anticipated decision with potentially widespread ramifications across all federal agencies charged with implementing federal statutes, the United States Supreme Court has permitted the so-called “shot clock”…