Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

Germanwings Tragedy Highlights Important Mental Health Considerations for Employers

As more details emerge about the troubled past of First Officer Andreas Lubitz – the co-pilot at the controls of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps in March – employers worldwide are faced with…

OSHA Issues Revised Guidelines Protecting Healthcare & Social Service Workers from Workplace Violence

On April 2, OSHA issued a revision of its Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers. This recent revision updates previous versions issued in 1996 and 2004 by incorporating…

The Seventh Circuit Further Clarifies FLSA Overtime Exceptions…For Window Washers

A recent Seventh Circuit decision may provide ammunition for employers defending FLSA claims brought by commission-based employees or employees who work irregular hours. In Ramon Alvarado, et al. v. Corporate Cleaning…

The EEOC is Cracking Down on Workplace Wellness Programs

According to the EEOC, a majority of employers now offer some form of wellness program. Employer wellness programs are designed to incentivize employees to adopt a healthier lifestyle and benefit employers in the form…

Massachusetts’ Expanded Parental Leave Law Goes into Effect Next Week

As we previously reported, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts enacted a law earlier this year that replaces its maternity leave statue with one affording both women and men with up to eight weeks of unpaid job-protected…