Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

Barbara Hoey Comments on Pao/Kleiner Perkins Lawsuit on Bloomberg West

Labor Days co-editor Barbara Hoey was interviewed on Bloomberg Television’s Bloomberg West regarding interim Reddit CEO Ellen Pao’s gender discrimination lawsuit against her former employer, venture capital firm…

Helpful Guidelines For Employee Handbook Drafting

The NLRB has recently been active in analyzing whether employee handbooks violate Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (the “Act”). In light of this, it is advisable for employers to try to imagine their…

New York Rejects Florida Non-Competition Law As Against Public Policy

In a blow to New York employers who wish to enforce restrictive covenants under other state law, the New York Court of Appeals recently held that the Florida choice of law provision in an employment agreement was…

California and Massachusetts Employers—Mark Your Calendars for July 1

On July 1, employers in California and Massachusetts (with few exceptions) must begin providing paid sick leave to their employees. California and Massachusetts will be joining Connecticut, the District of Columbia,…

An Unforgiving NLRB Holds That Protecting Patient Data Under HIPAA Can Still Violate Section 7 Rights

It would make sense that the systems housing patient records at a physician’s office should be protected by a robust duty on the part of the physician’s employees to keep such records confidential. The purpose, of…