Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

Seven Ways Savvy HR Leaders in New York Are Spending Their Summers

Ah, summer: less-demanding schedules, lighter workloads, and a more relaxed work wardrobe. In keeping with the professional reputation of lawyers as killjoys, however, we recommend that HR professionals act more like…

Illinois Tackles Sexual Harassment

On June 2, 2019, the Illinois General Assembly passed SB75, a legislative response to the #MeToo movement. Governor J. B. Pritzker is expected to sign SB75 soon, as it aligns with his campaign promise to tackle sexual…

The Importance of Record-Keeping: Lessons from an Exotic Dancer and Truck Driver

On Monday May 6, 2019, a Florida federal judge denied a strip club’s bid for sanctions against an exotic dancer and her lawyer who filed a so-called “cookie-cutter” Fair Labor Standards Act lawsuit, depriving the strip…

Going It Alone: The Supreme Court Continues to Limit Class Arbitration for Employees

If you’re waiting for a reversal of the trend at the Supreme Court to limit employers’ ability to insist on arbitration instead of litigation, or of the trend limiting class claims, keep waiting. The Supreme Court…

*UPDATE* EEO-1 Reporting Requirements: Upcoming Deadlines

This is an update to our March 28th post - EEO-1 Reporting Requirements Become More Onerous . . . Maybe . Employers with 100 or more employees, and federal contractors with 50 or more employees, have until September…