Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

The City Commission Clarifies the “Fair Chance Act”

As previously reported, among the legislation passed this year under Mayor DeBlasio, New York City passed the “Fair Chance Act” (“FCA”), which severely restricts an employer’s ability to conduct criminal background…

Kelley Drye to Host Complimentary CLE Seminar on LGBT Rights in the Workplace

On November 5, 2015, Kelley Drye will host an afternoon seminar at its New York office, addressing discrimination against LGBT individuals in the workplace. The seminar will be presented by Kelley Drye partners …

The NY City Commission Speaks - Be Careful in Claiming an Exemption from the NY City "Credit Check Law"

With the New York City “ Stop Credit Discrimination in Employment Act ” now in effect (as of September 3, 2015), the City Commission has just released guidelines for some ambiguous points in the law. We first wrote…

Tide of Circuit Courts Finding Paid Suspension Is Not An Adverse Employment Action Grows

In an issue of first impression, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday, August 12, that a paid suspension does not constitute an adverse employment action under Title VII, joining the unanimous opinion of…

Fourth Circuit Rejects “Manager Rule” in Title VII Claims

On Monday, August 10, the Fourth Circuit rejected the application of the “manager rule” in the Title VII context, finding it “would discourage . . . employees from voicing concerns about workplace discrimination.” The…