Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

Wishing for a Lawsuit Free Holiday Party

The holiday season is in full swing, and you have likely already planned the office holiday party. Although there are is no way to completely eliminate the risks associated with hosting a holiday party, the suggestions…

The Bathroom Dilemma in the News – Transgender Rights on the Front Page

The front page of last Sunday’s New York Times ‘Styles’ section was almost entirely devoted to an article called “ The Symbols of Change,” recounting how many public venues are converting from the traditional…

Join Kelley Drye on November 5 for a CLE Seminar on LGBT Rights in the Workplace

As reported in an editorial by The New York Times over the weekend, New York now is a leader in the area of gender rights. The state already explicitly prohibited discrimination against employees based on sexual…

New York City’s "Ban the Box" Law, the Fair Chance Act, in Effect

Just a reminder that New York City’s "Ban the Box" law, the Fair Chance Act, actually goes into effect today, October 27, 2015. We summarized the key provisions of the law in a prior post . The new law now provides…

UPS Settlement Signals That Pregnant Workers Are Expecting Job Accommodations

Last week, UPS settled its long-running case with Peggy Young, the employee whose case went up to the Supreme Court after she was denied light duty. As many will recall from an earlier blog post, the high court found…