Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

The Rise Of Employee Religious Discrimination Claims

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin and religion. While the first four categories often dominate the news headlines and court dockets, the fifth…

Trump Plays Ball (To Knee or Not To Knee)

President Trump likes to mix it up. Mix everything up, like the National Football League and the First Amendment. Wait. What? Whether you think the President defies convention strategically or blunderingly, Trump…

No Summer Breaks for the EEOC

As many of us settle into September, with fond memories of our summer vacations, do not think that the federal agencies were on a hiatus. In fact and despite predictions that the EEOC under the new administration would…

Are “Cute” Employees A New Protected Class in New York?

New York employers now have a new class of employees to be wary of - the “cute”. A New York appellate court just issued a decision reviving a gender discrimination claim brought by a female plaintiff, who alleged that…

Is Misogyny Protected Activity?

The blogs and networks have been buzzing over the past few days with news that a senior software engineer at Google – James Damore – had taken it upon himself to write and post on an internal Google mailing list a ten…