Labor Days

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s labor and employment practice

The First “Me Too” Verdict in New York Should Send A Strong Message to Managers and Employers

On Friday, July 27, after a 3 week trial in Manhattan, a jury awarded $1.25 million in damages to Enrichetta Ravina, a former professor at Columbia University Business School, who claimed that she was denied tenure and…

LGBTQ Rights Making News and Making Law In Recent Weeks

In the past two weeks, we saw two major decisions in the area of LGBTQ rights in the workplace. First, the Second Circuit in New York held that Title VII does prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. Zarda…

Is Misogyny Protected Activity? Part 2

Earlier, we blogged about James Damore, an engineer at Google who was terminated for his memo, which openly expressed his belief that women were not “biologically suited” for certain types of positions and criticism…

A “Smoky” Legal Issue for 2018 – Medical/Recreational Marijuana In the “Workplace”

Marijuana remains illegal under federal law. However, there are many states, and a few cities, which have legalized medical and recreational marijuana – creating challenges for employers, as these laws “sprout up” (pun…

WHERE’S YOUR HARVEY? How To Keep Your Company Out of the Headlines

Over the past year, we have all watched the garish spectacle of various sexual harassment scandals take down powerful men in media, Silicon Valley, and most recently Hollywood, where allegations of Harvey Weinstein’s…