CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Lucky Number 7? FCC Proposes Section 7 Rules to Fast-Track Review of New Technologies

On February 22, as part of its effort to accelerate the deployment of new and innovative technologies, the FCC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) to develop procedures for implementing section 7 of the…

FCC Sets Stage for $4.5 Billion Auction by Resolving Mobility Fund Phase II Challenges

The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) took a major step forward on closing the “digital divide” in mobile broadband at its February meeting by unanimously adopting an Order resolving the remaining challenges to…

Beyond the Latest Frontier: Licensed, Unlicensed, and Experimental Operations above 95 GHz

Fulfilling a promise made by Chairman Pai in the fall that the Federal Communications Commission would give a close look to opening up licensed operations in the bands above 95 GHz, the FCC announced tentatively on…

New Podcast: Legislative Outlook for 2018

As the second session begins, the 115th Congress will pick up where it left off on some key telecommunications and technology issues. This episode of Kelley Drye's Full Spectrum podcast examines the current status of…

Escaping the Twilight Zone – FCC Aims to Expedite Wireless Deployment by Exempting Twilight Towers from Historic Preservation Review

Consistent with Chairman Pai’s focus on accelerating infrastructure deployment to enable next generation wireless services, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) unanimously opened at its…