CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

E-Rate Gift, Dark Fiber Rules Clarified

It did not take long for the FCC to respond to the flurry of questions being posted regarding the new E-rate rules adopted in the FCC's Sixth Report and Order in the Universal Service proceeding. Yesterday, the FCC's…

USAC Posts Questions on Implementation of New E-Rate Rules

On September 28, 2010, the FCC released a Sixth Report and Order revising its rules for disbursements from the Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund (commonly referred to as the "e-rate" program).…

USF Roller Coaster: First Quarter Contribution Factor to be 15.5%

One month ago, we reported on Universal Service demand levels that suggested a significant increase in the USF Contribution Factor. Yesterday, the revenue figures came in low. As a result, the 1Q 2011 contribution…

FCC Clears States to Impose USF Fees Prospectively on Intrastate Nomadic VoIP Services

As has been expected, the FCC late Friday released an order finding that states can require nomadic interconnected VoIP providers such as Vonage to pay state universal service fund contributions on a prospective basis…

Telecom Law Monitor Feature: Regulatory Requirements for VoIP Services

Our post about the unique enforcement posture of interconnected VoIP quickly became the most popular post on the Telecom Law Monitor. One person asked if we could elaborate on the differences in regulatory treatment…