CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

FCC Releases Text of Intercarrier Compensation Order

Late yesterday, the FCC released the text of its USF Reform and Intercarrier Compensation Reform Order, which it adopted on October 27 . The FCC's rules, among other things, transition terminating access charges to…

E-Filing of Tariffs Begins Today

Here is another compliance item for our readers. The FCC's rules requiring all tariffs to be filed electronically takes effect today . For competitive carriers, this means that you must file tariffs via the new…

Compliance Reminder: Annual CPNI Certifications

Yesterday, the FCC released an order cancelling more CPNI fines proposed in its Omnibus CPNI Forfeiture Order. Because proposed fines for failing to file the CPNI certification have become an annual event, this is a…

FCC Denies IP Conferencing Appeal; Moving Forward on Reconsideration of Conferencing Classification Decision

For audio conferencing providers, "round two" of the FCC's regulation has begun. (Round one was 2008's Audio Bridging Classification Order, which applied direct USF contributions to the audio conferencing industry). On…

Mandatory Electronic Tariff Filing to Start November 17

In June, the FCC adopted an order requiring all carriers (not just incumbent carriers) to file FCC tariffs via an electronic portal . The FCC announced today that the new filing requirement will become effective on…