CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Comment Dates Set for E-Rate Bundled Services Rule Change

Earlier this month, we told you about the FCC's change of heart regarding "free" equipment bundled with e-rate eligible services. The FCC's proposed rule change was published in the Federal Register today,…

FCC Reverses Course, Proposes to Eliminate "Bundled Services" Exception to E-rate Cost Allocation Rules

In 2010, the FCC revised its rules for the Schools and Libraries Program of the federal Universal Service Fund (commonly known as the "e-rate" program). One of the principal changes to the rules was the adoption of…

FCC Confirms Recently Modified International Reporting Requirements Will Not Be in Effect for 2013

We posted recently on rules the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC or Commission) adopted in January modifying the scope of and particulars of the annual International Traffic and Revenue reports and Circuit…

Annual Reporting Requirements for International Carriers Revised; VoIP Providers and Certain Non-Common Carriers Now Obligated to File

Earlier this month, the FCC simplified the information that must be provided in certain international reports, action that should be welcomed by many carriers that have been subject to these reporting requirements. The…

CPNI Season Kicks Off With FCC Enforcement Advisory

Compliance with a carrier's CPNI certification obligations has provided steady fodder for this blog, with the annual Omnibus CPNI fines, unusual settlements and consistent enforcement focus from the FCC's enforcement…