CommLaw Monitor
USF News: FCC Announces Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model Program
On July 24, 2023, in a Report and Order, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and Notice of Inquiry (FCC 23-60), the Commission announced the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) program to promote the…
USF News: WCB Grants Limited, One-Time Waiver to Number of Lifeline Subscribers
On May 30, 2023, the Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB), in an Order (DA 23-460) on its own motion, granted a limited, one-time waiver to a number of Lifeline subscribers who received incorrect information about the…
USF News: U.S. Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit Decision in Consumers' Research v. FCC
On March 24, 2023, in Consumers’ Research v. FCC, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a Decision (No. 22-60008) upholding the constitutionality of Congress’s delegation of administration of the…
FCC’s January Meeting Agenda Includes Proposed Disclosures for All Broadband Providers
The FCC released its agenda for the next Commission Open Meeting, scheduled for January 27, 2022. The agency will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) that would require all broadband Internet access…
FCC’s December Meeting Agenda Includes Emergency Alerts, Satellite Broadband and E-Rate Items
The FCC released a streamlined agenda for its next Commission Open Meeting, scheduled for December 14, 2021. The agency will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) and Notice of Inquiry regarding how to…