CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Small Library Seeks to Force Decision on VoIP Classification

I don't expect this to go anywhere, but this request is too interesting to ignore any longer. On May 25, 2012, a library in Caroline County, Virginia petitioned the FCC to declare that Vonage is a "common carrier"…

VoIP Outage Reporting Obligations One Step Closer to Implementation

This post was co-written by Randy Sifers . In February, the FCC adopted new outage reporting rules for interconnected VoIP providers. Our story and our advisory on the new rules are available at this link . At the…

FCC Extends Outage Reporting Requirements To All Interconnected VoIP Providers

On February 21, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission issued a Report and Order ("Order") adopting outage reporting requirements for both facilities-based and non-facilities-based interconnected Voice over…

Interconnected VoIP Providers Required to Report Outages

As we've discussed, today the FCC adopted rules to require interconnected VoIP providers to report network outages to the FCC. The text of the FCC's order has not been released, but the order adopts a much narrower…

VoIP Outage Reporting Obligations to be Adopted at February 15 FCC Meeting

VoIP providers, prepare to report outages to the FCC. Since early in 2010, the FCC has been on a path to impose new outage reporting obligations on providers of interconnected VoIP services, despite industry opposition…