CommLaw Monitor

News and analysis from Kelley Drye’s communications practice group

Appeals Court Rules that Federal Courts May Hear Interconnection Agreement Claims in the First Instance

Barbara Miller co-authored this post. This week, the Fourth Circuit issued an important decision concerning the jurisdiction and role of federal courts in the interpretation and enforcement of state-approved…

FCC Confirms Recently Modified International Reporting Requirements Will Not Be in Effect for 2013

We posted recently on rules the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC or Commission) adopted in January modifying the scope of and particulars of the annual International Traffic and Revenue reports and Circuit…

Annual Reporting Requirements for International Carriers Revised; VoIP Providers and Certain Non-Common Carriers Now Obligated to File

Earlier this month, the FCC simplified the information that must be provided in certain international reports, action that should be welcomed by many carriers that have been subject to these reporting requirements. The…

FCC Opens the Year with A New Look at the Transition from TDM to IP Networks

Jameson Dempsey co-authored this post. With the new year upon us, the FCC will soon be receiving comment on one of the “big picture” issues facing telecom regulation: addressing the evolution of the Public Switched…

VOIP Outage Reporting Requirements to Take Effect December 16, 2012

In several earlier posts, we informed you the FCC had adopted mandatory outage reporting regulations for both facilities-based and non-facilities-based interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service…